Friday, August 24, 2007

"The Office" (Workstation series) 26 (Quincentennial edition)

"The Office" at the (real) office. Trying to keep a low profile during sabbatical (I've already had 4 knocks on the door in the 10 minutes I've been here) but had a bunch of on-campus stuff to do. Self-made bookshelves, too many instruments stored here because there's no other space.

Lots of news to share but no time to do it now: two gigs to play tonight. Also wished I could have made this the "two-thirds and counting, bitches!" edition of the "100 Greats" (#67 coming up) but there just isn't time on the Friday before classes start.

Will just have to settle for this as the 500th post to Coyotebanjo. Thanks to all beings in the 10 Directions, and to the readers and commenters, who have made the writing possible.

Now playing: David Lindley - Brother John

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