Friday, September 28, 2007

"The Office" (Workstation series) 47 ("My people!" edition)

OK, I know this is where I grew up: nice coffeeshop, all the Old Guys sitting around who used to prefer the bad Purolator coffee (with added salt) at the diner that got torn down, but have since reluctantly discovered that the fancy coffee at the "Brewed Awakenings" coffeeshop that replaced is actually pretty good, plus the cute multi-ethnic waitresses, who obviously thrive on the adrenaline rush of the busy days, give back as good chatter as the Old Guys supply, and there's lots of energy in the place, and you can get an egg sandwich on a croissant for 2 bucks.

Plus there's the overheard dialogue:

"Ya heah what those bastids are doin' to those monks over in Burma? They're fuckin' blowin' 'em up. Jeesus! The Dalai Lama, he's a good man, he don't fuckin' botha nobody."
Good-looking Italian woman going by, talking on the cell phone:
"See, this is what I'm talkin' about. It's when I'm not theah that they friggin' throw me undah the bus!"
Another good-looking woman, in her 40s, excellent highlights, tight black clothes, interacting with the Old Guys:
"What up, boys!"
"Hey come you stay so gawgeous?
"Aw, fellas, you remember I had that deal with the devil!"

Everyone laughs.
Goddammit, I wish I lived here. I can roll with these people.

Home tomorrow.

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